Who you trust to represent your organization from a recruitment standpoint affects the bottom line.
Recruiting is one of the most overlooked, but highly effective, forms of marketing.
We are the first point of contact for top tier talent and responsible for leaving that first and lasting impression amongst candidates on why your organization should be their preferred destination. Why would you trust this critical marketing opportunity to just anyone?
With thousands of recruiting agencies to choose from, the choice is overwhelming. We are here to help simplify that decision through our specialized recruitment process.
ADECTO Talent Integration was founded by five of the top Recruiters in the nation who came together to give specialized attention to this detailed process. Being that the five founding partners are all Degreed Engineers, they developed a meticulous process combining specialized industry knowledge with practical recruiting experience to create a Hybrid Recruiter that could theoretically do the job, but instead provides the most technically qualified candidates. ADECTO is a pioneer in this respect.
Continuing the tradition of obtaining former technical professionals and training them in our specialized recruitment methodology sets us aside from our competition, but more importantly provides the best marketing tool for your company to obtain top talent.
The current global recruitment landscape is changing. The competition for the best talent has already begun. Candidates are seeking the best opportunities possible regardless of geographical location. Compensation is no longer the sole factor in making a decision. Today's candidate is critically analyzing not only the tangibles, such as compensation, benefits, location, the job description but equally scrutinizing the intangibles, which include cultural fit, career development, promotional opportunities, training, intellectual freedom, actual responsibility/personal ownership, etc....
With all of these dynamic factors, our Hybrid Recruiter is able to build instant trust and genuine credibility with their candidates, where other recruiters without this understanding lack credibility and loose footing.
Observing the job market as a whole, market research has demonstrated that only 10% of experienced talent is actively seeking a new position for your specific need concurrently. Unfortunately the top tier talent lies within that 90% of passive candidates. Our qualified experts will seek out those elite few willing to make a move, market your company and opportunity to encourage a job change and deliver a polished candidate.